Sexual Assault Awareness Month calls attention to the fact that sexual violence is widespread. This proclamation is a clear declaration to join advocates and communities across the country in taking action to prevent sexual violence. Join us by getting involved in 2021 Sexual Assault Awareness Month this April on Instagram & Facebook. Daily prompts encourage creative ways for you to raise awareness, educate, and connect with others. Download the official #30daysofsaam social calendar!

COVID-19 has created a new level of social isolation for all of us. It is encouraging to see how our community has worked together during this time to help provide safety and support for the most vulnerable among us. That sense of togetherness and belonging are key to creating safe and thriving communities.

While the COVID pandemic has been with us for a year, another pandemic has affected the health and safety of hundreds of thousands of people in this country each year: sexual assault.

April’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month is a time to focus on creating safe and thriving communities by:

  • Treating others with kindness, dignity and respect — in person and online
  • Practicing empathy for those with different life experiences
  • Looking out for the physical and emotional well-being of our communities

Please join Sierra Community House in bringing awareness as well as education to our communities about sexual assault, and the myriad of toxic behaviors that allow for sexual violence to continue in the world. Please like and follow Sierra Community House on Instagram and Facebook and follow along all month!

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