April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and we know that addressing this important topic locally requires a village of invested partners and community collaborators. By bringing together various stakeholders, including law enforcement agencies, advocacy organizations, healthcare providers, and community members, a more holistic response to sexual violence can be developed.
We had the privilege of sitting down with Lieutenant Lisa Madden, a key figure in the collaboration between Truckee Police Department and Sierra Community House, to delve into the importance of this partnership. The Truckee Police Department and Sierra Community House each bring unique strengths to the table, and by working together, we leverage our capabilities to better serve survivors and our communities.
Lisa shares her perspective with us, here:
How does the Truckee Police Department collaborate with Sierra Community House, and why is this partnership crucial in addressing sexual violence crimes?
The Truckee Police Department highly values our partnership with Sierra Community House. They are an important component in providing survivors with the necessary support when navigating the difficult path after such crimes. Collaboration with Sierra Community House is essential for a few reasons. First, it ensures a seamless transition from the law enforcement response to victim support services. This collaboration allows for a survivor’s well-being to be prioritized while the investigative process is underway. Second, it enhances our ability to investigate cases with the resources they provide such as transportation and advocacy during interviews and examinations. Lastly, our partnership fosters a culture of support to survivors and allows our agency to hold offenders accountable for their actions.
What makes you the most hopeful when you look at the current landscape and cultural conversations around sexual assault?
What gives me the most hope when examining the current landscape and cultural conversations around sexual assault is the evolving role of law enforcement and the ability to partner with agencies such as Sierra Community House to focus on survivor-centered approaches. Our agency has shifted these types of investigations to a multidisciplinary collaboration. In the end, we have seen more effective investigations with this model of addressing sexual assault cases.
As we observe Sexual Assault Awareness Month and beyond, let us continue to prioritize collaboration and collective action in the fight against sexual violence.

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