Preventing child abuse is a pressing issue that requires collective effort and proactive measures from parents, educators, and communities. At Sierra Community House, we are deeply committed to this cause, and our Prevention team works to raise awareness, educating parents and young people, and collaborating with schools to promote child safety and well-being.
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, however our Prevention team employs a multifaceted approach to address child abuse prevention every month of the year.
Prevention Program Manager Sjalla shares how Sierra Community House Works towards the prevention of child abuse.
What does your team do that contributes to child prevention?
The Prevention Team provides violence prevention education to youth and adults in the Tahoe-Truckee Area. By teaching students how to recognize violence and identify trusted adults in their lives, we support them in recognizing their resources and tools to find help should they ever need it. Additionally, we educate adults on topics around child abuse and neglect such as Cyber Safety, discussing how they can create safe and trusting environments that allow their children to open up and share if something bad happens/happened to them.
What makes you most hopeful about educating parents and young people about topics like this?
I find hope in the interest community members bring forward. When parents express a desire to learn and be educated, it shows me that there are many good people in our community who want to ensure the children of our community are protected. On the flip side, I am continually astonished by how aware teenagers are today and how they can reflect on negative behavior when they encounter it.
How does your prevention team collaborate with schools to raise awareness about child abuse and promote prevention efforts?
We have a close relationship with the school district, which supports us in meeting their students, in each classroom and grade, every year, allowing for conversations between us and the students to take place. Additionally, teachers and counselors know about us as a resource in the community and reach out with questions and concerns, asking how to best support their students or families in need.
Child prevention requires a collective commitment from all members of society, and our organization is dedicated to playing a proactive role in this endeavor. Through education, awareness-raising, and collaboration with schools and communities, we strive to create safer environments where children can thrive free from the threat of abuse and exploitation. Together, we can build a future where every child is protected, empowered, and valued.